Orla - Willow Reaching for the Stars at Burnden
Willow Reaching for the Stars at Burnden
When Amanda Payne asked us who we thought would be a good dog to put to her girl Burnden Bespoke, we suggested Linncam Storymaker at Taranut. We could never have anticipated the fabulous litter they would produce. Literally spoilt for choice we were very lucky to bring home Orla. Her first show was South Wales Championship Show were she won under Mr. R. Venema. Although Orla has not been to many shows she has won her way into Pup of the Year and won Best Puppy in Show at the Merseyside Boxer Club Championshi show, beating her litter sister to top honours.
Thank you Tony Curtain. Orla has appealed to both British and Continental judges. Orla provides hours of fun at home, rearranging the garden and teasing the rest of our doggy family. She is an absolute joy to own. We cannot thank Amanda enough for such a fabulous girl.
Asa - Ch.Burnden Opportunist - JW 4 CC's, 5 Res CC's
Asa had an excellent puppy career, winning 7 Best Puppy in Breed Awards including Crufts 2009, he was Best Puppy Dog on 8 ocassions. 12 Champion show class wins in all. He was only lower than second once and attended 16 shows. He qualified for the Mancunian Boxer Club 'Pup of the Year' 2009 and gained his Junior Warrant by the time he was 11 months. We would like to thank all the judges who made 2008 such a memorable year.
Asa has made the last four for the Challenge Certificate on several occasions and won the Reserve Challenge Certificate at Working Breeds Association of Wales Championship show, WELKS championship show, at Leeds championship show and at the Trent Boxer Club Championship show.
However at 'National Working Breeds Championship Show' Asa did one better winning the Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed from breed specialist Sue Drinkwater of the famous Sulez Kennels.Then in August 2012 at the Welsh Kennel Kennel, Asa was awarded the Challenge Certificate after winning the Open class and again went Best of Breed under Val Pack-Davison. In September 2012, Asa gained his crown, having won the Challenge Certificate and Best in Show at the Irish Boxer Club Championship show. His fourth Challenge Certificate came within a few weeks at the London and Home Counties Championship show under Monique Hodgkinson, a breed specialist from South Africa. At South Western Boxer Club Championship show Nov 2013 Asa won the reserve CC under breed specialist Lynette Davey. Asa has won over 40 championship show first places.
Asa was Best in Show at the South Wales Boxer Club open show in February 2009 and Best in Show at South Western Boxer Club open show in January 2010. Asa has sired some quality puppies, please contact us for details.
Asa is Heart Tested Clear
Zane - Burnden Secret Millionaire 2 Res. CC's
Zane had a fantastic puppy career with Best Puppy Dog at South Western BC - Philip Greenway, Cotswold BC - Betty McDonald, Anglian BC – Dawn Pilling and Crufts – Chris Cray. He won his class at the Scottish BC. Zane was also Best Puppy in Breed at LKA under Barry Alton. As his wins spanned over 2009/2010 he represented us in the Mancunian Puppy of the Year twice.
In Junior the success continued with wins at WELKS – Pam Broughton, Birmingham – Fearn Pynegar, SKC – Jan Baxter, Three Counties – Paul Russel, Blackpool – Nigel Rallings, British BC – Marion Spavin.
From Yearling he won at South Wales BC – Amanda Jinks, Midland BC – Ruth Perrett and Cotswold BC where he went on the win the Reserve Challenge Certificate under Marion Seeney. This secured his place in the top winning males and he represented us in the Cotswold Boxer Dog of the Year.
He won his way into Limit with further wins at Leeds – Jack Bispham, Trent BC – John Kehoe, Working Breeds of Scotland – Martin Wyles, LKA – Nigel Rallings, Manchester – Carol Schofield, Working Breeds of Wales – Peter Radley, WELKS – Kevin Fitzgearld
In his first Limit class Zane won at National Working under Wendy Mitchell, then a super class at the London and Home Counties Championship show and then took the Reserve Challenge Certificate (missing out on the CC to Asa!)
Zane is heart tested 1.
Rebkai Secret Fortune at Burnden (Belinda) RCC
Belinda had a fabulous start, at her very first championship show she won Best Puppy in Breed under breed specialist Carol Schofield at Manchester Dog Show. This was her only minor puppy class but she continued to win in puppy with Best Puppy Bitch at Tyne, Wear and Tees under Jean Grandfield. 1st in Puppy Bitch at WELKS under Kevin Fitzgerald. She was 2nd at Merseyside BC and Birmingham.
Bee has only been to a few open shows where she won Best Puppy Bitch and Best in Special Puppy Event at South Western BC, Best Puppy in Breed and PG2 at Bristol and District. She also won her class in the Puppy Event at South Wales BC.
Since leaving puppy she has continued her success winning Junior at National Working under Wendy Mitchell, with 2nds at SKC, Southern Counties, East of England and British BC.
Burnden Limitless (Tamara) RCC
Tamara qualified for Crufts at her first show. She also gained 2nd at Tyne, Wear and Tees and Birmingham.
At South Wales BC open show Tam won Best in Special Puppy Event and won her class in the Puppy Event at South Western BC.
At Richmond, just out of puppy Tamara won a super Junior class under Claire Kay.